The preliminary programme, titled "A Body is a Host", consists of a weekly Wednesday afternoon series of talks and performances, films, workshops and a reading group. Part of the programme at the Theory Stairs is co-curated with Crip the Curriculum (CtC). Please read their statement below.
Theory Stairs, 2:00-3:30 PM; moderator Menko Dijksterhuis
A body is a Host. It's a site for malaise, pain, contraptions and fluids. It's a site for political control and violence. It is a site for joy, rage, pleasure and new imaginaries. Tapping into Disability Justice Studies’ inherent potential to subsume a multitude of discourses, Crip the Curriculum along with Studium Generale draws upon the Host as an interface for radical politics. This is a way for the Host to speak about, not just what is contained within it, but also about where it itself resides. And to speak about other such Hosts. — Crip the Curriculum